January 19 2025

Meaning & Purpose

Concerned with my responses and instincts to circumstances of acute stress,
I've hoped that a reflective basin might serve to temper my frustrations and allow clarity to shape itself in my mind.

With any luck, a lasting impression may maintain itself, and I will be able to affirm to myself that change is attainable.
Maybe the belief is a pre-requisite, that the demand for personal change is in of itself a transformative quality.
There is a humility in the act of being open to change, that one might be deserving of additions to themselves.
An acceptance that one is not whole in their development, and that there is still more.

Clarity might rest in the state of skepticism towards ones understanding.
Becoming comfortable with wrestling against the entrophy of ones memory,
and the inertia of their instincts or affirmations, not to undermine them,
but to maintain their strength and range of mobility,

in the sense that a belief may have applicability to a circumstance in regard to it's

This will need verification of bayesian statistics.